Lam Leth # 206

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Nicholas Palevsky School Mrs. Lam Leth is a 49 year-old farmer. She has seven children; two of them are studying at the Nicholas Palevsky School. Her family has two hectares of rice fields, which yield 1.5 tons of rice at each harvest. The amount of rice is not enough […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Nicholas Palevsky School

Mrs. Lam Leth is a 49 year-old farmer. She has seven children; two of them are studying at the Nicholas Palevsky School. Her family has two hectares of rice fields, which yield 1.5 tons of rice at each harvest. The amount of rice is not enough to support her family for the whole year. She has to sell pigs, chickens or cows to supplement the family income. Her family needs approximately two tons of rice a year, because she has 11 members in her family.

On the new building:


“My older children are illiterate because there wasn’t any school here. Only my fifth child has been able to study because we just got a new school. In the past, if someone wanted their children to study, they had to send their children to the district town of Voeun Say, about 8 km away from the village. Now the situation has changed since we have a new school built by a donor in the village. I am very happy and excited with the new school and hope that my children can get as much education as the children in the town do. They will no longer be illiterate.”