Hoeun Horn # 209

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Tokyo Katsushika-Higashi Rotary Club Hoeun Horn is a 15-year 6th grade student at the Tokyo Katushika-Higashi Rotary Club School. Hoeun Horn is a 15-year old boy in the 6th grade. He currently ranks 22nd out of 57 students in his class. His father makes a living as a farmer […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Tokyo Katsushika-Higashi

Rotary Club

Hoeun Horn is a 15-year 6th grade student at
the Tokyo Katushika-Higashi Rotary Club School.

Hoeun Horn is a 15-year old boy in the 6th grade. He currently ranks 22nd out of 57 students in his class. His father makes a living as a farmer while his mother sells fish. He is the only boy out of five children. Only one other sister attends the school with him; the others are currently married. He walks 500 m to school everyday.

“The old school was very shoddy in comparison to the new one. The roof was made of coconut leaves and it leaked a lot whenever it rained. However, it’s a breeze to study in the new school and there are no such problems now.”

“I enjoy studying Khmer literature because it is an easy subject for me. However, I don’t write love letters!”

“I would like to become a singer in the future because it seems fun. My favorite artist is Choeun Odoum because he has a nice voice.”

“I would like to go to Kompong Som (another name for Sihanoukville) because it seems fun and I’ve never been there.”

“I would like to thank the donors for building a school for us. I will study hard so that I can become a singer in the future.”