Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

Yoeurm Savy

Yoearm Sary is 15 years old, and is in grade 9th at The ASIJ School in Chup Krom village, Svay Leu commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap province.

Sary has gotten nine siblings including her, grandfather, parents, 5brothers and 2sisters including her. She is a ninth child in her family. Her father name is Yeang Yoeum and he is 58 years old, her mother name is Hun Leag and she is 59 years.

Her parents are farmers. They have owned half hectare of farmland for transplanting rice. The rice can produce 800kg of rice in per year and they keep for daily eating for a whole years. Moreover her families raise 5 pigs and some chicken for earn more income to support their family. Her 3 orders brother goes to work near bother of Thailand as a construction worker and get 7$ in a day for one person and they are sending for 200$ in per month to support their family and also support their brothers and sister for school supplies.

Sary is a very good student. After school, she didn’t go home to help her parents with housework because her house is so far (15 Km) from school so she stays with teacher inside the school (dorm girls). In her free time, she likes to read the books and reviews the lessons from school.

She wishes to be a tailor because she likes this career and she could design all style of the dress for herself and villagers in her communities.

Updated: April, 2018