Chha Neak # 215

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Credit Suisse-First Boston School Chha Neak is a 12-year-old, third-grade student. He is the fourth child in the farming family of seven members. They live in the village next to the school village. One of his younger brothers comes to study at the new school. His younger brother and […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Credit Suisse-First Boston


Chha Neak is a 12-year-old, third-grade student. He is the fourth child in the farming family of seven members. They live in the village next to the school village. One of his younger brothers comes to study at the new school. His younger brother and he, walk two kilometers from his house to the school to study.

At school, I prefer to study applied science more than the other subjects. At home, I take time to read my book and review the lesson my teacher taught me.

Besides my study, I assist my parent by grazing a herd of six cow and oxen that my family possesses.