Chhay Pouch # 215

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Credit Suisse-First Boston School Chhay Pouch is a 53-year-old farmer who lives in the school village. He has six children; four of them are already married. Now he has two children and one granddaughter studying at the new school. The villagers and I are very happy that a donor […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Credit Suisse-First Boston


Chhay Pouch is a 53-year-old farmer who lives in the school village. He has six children; four of them are already married. Now he has two children and one granddaughter studying at the new school.

The villagers and I are very happy that a donor gave us a concrete school building because we had only poor wooden buildings with tree leafs on the roof. With the old school building the students are not happy to study there, but with the new strong and nice concrete building, they come to study regularly.