Chen Cheng # 218

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Yokogawa Rokumaru-kai Friends School Chen Cheng is a 9 years old, third grade student at the Yokogawa Rokumaru-kai Friends School. Out of the twenty-five students in his class, he was ranked fifth. On himself:   I have five brothers. Two of them are at school with me. My father […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Yokogawa Rokumaru-kai Friends


Chen Cheng is a 9 years old, third grade student at the Yokogawa Rokumaru-kai Friends School. Out of the twenty-five students in his class, he was ranked fifth.

On himself:


I have five brothers. Two of them are at school with me. My father is a farmer and he also rears cattle. My mother is a farmer, too. Our house is half a kilometer away from the school.


On the new building:


The new school is easy to study in. There are no problems with the rain; I never get wet. At the old school, the water would splash in from the walls and ceiling. The new school is not affected by rain, and it also has new desks.


Favorite subject:


I like to study math.


On his spare time:


I go to the well to get water. I also go to collect firewood and cook rice.


In the future: I’d like to be a farmer.


If he could do anything:


I want to be a policeman and protect the people. Policemen take care of robberies and kidnappings.


If he could travel anywhere: I would go to Phnom Penh and visit my relatives there. I was there three days ago.


If he could have one wish: A new motorbike.


Any wish in the world, and you want a motorbike?


Okay, a car.