Tiann Monie # 220

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ezra Vogel School Mrs. Tiann Monie, the English teacher at the Ezra Vogel School. Tiann Monie is the English teacher at the Ezra Vogel School. She is married and has four children and now she lives near the school. Her house is about 2 kilometers away from the School. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ezra Vogel School

Mrs. Tiann Monie, the English teacher at the Ezra Vogel School.

Tiann Monie is the English teacher at the Ezra Vogel School. She is married and has four children and now she lives near the school. Her house is about 2 kilometers away from the School. She rides a motorcycle to school every day. She graduated from the teacher school in Sihanouk-ville and was assigned to teach at one of the primary school in the city. A year later, she was promoted to be the school director.

In 1990, she left for a new position as the French teacher. She undertook a 45 day long course of pedagogy sponsored by the French Embassy. After the course, she was sent to work at the French school “Alliance Francaise” where she taught students the French text book “Nouveau Sans Frontiere”.

In 1995, she moved to Ratanakiri where she got job with UNDP, ADB, ILO and CARE. In April 2003, she joined the Rural School Project of the Japan Relief for Cambodia as a teacher at the Special Skill School.

“Personally, I expect that the kids who come to learn at the Ezra Vogel School will become an “Olympic Team” (a group of the best students) because the school offers special skills – English and computer lessons taught by three teachers paid by AAFC in addition to the state school’s curriculum. On the other hand, the school discipline has provided the kids with opportunities to learn and share opinions with teachers and their friends. From day to day, the school assessment has showed that the kids can build and improve their knowledge computers and English,” Tiann Monie said.