Toeun Khun # 222

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sir Graham Balfour School Toeun Khun, an 18-year old boy in the 3rd grade at the Sir Graham Balfour School. Toeun Khun is an 18-year old boy in the 3rd grade at the Sir Graham Balfour School. He has one brother and three sisters; four of them (including him) […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sir Graham Balfour School

Toeun Khun, an 18-year old boy in the 3rd grade at
the Sir Graham Balfour School.

Toeun Khun is an 18-year old boy in the 3rd grade at the Sir Graham Balfour School. He has one brother and three sisters; four of them (including him) attend the school. He is currently ranked 2nd in a class of 49 students. He walks 1 km from his home to the school everyday.

“My parents make a living as farmers. I usually help out at home by bringing water back to the house.”

“My favorite subject in school is the Khmer language because I use it for everyday communication. Having the new building to study in gives me extra energy and more willpower to learn.”

“I would like to become a doctor when I grow up because I want to be able to treat people in the village. Having a chance to visit Angkor Wat would also make me happy.”