Ngim Srey Em # 224

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Tith Mom School Ngim Srey Em, a 13-year old third grade student at the Tith Mom School. Ngim Srey Em is a 13-year old third grade student at the Tith Mom School. Her home is about 200 meters away from the new school. She walks to school every day. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Tith Mom School

Ngim Srey Em, a 13-year old third grade student at the Tith Mom School.

Ngim Srey Em is a 13-year old third grade student at the Tith Mom School. Her home is about 200 meters away from the new school. She walks to school every day.

“I like the new building because it is clean and beautiful even it can protect the student from the rain. Before the new building has been built, all the kids who have lived around here met difficulty of traveling to the previous school because the school is far away from home.”

“My brother and the other two younger sisters also study at this new school. The two younger sisters are at the 2nd grades. My father is a farmer and my mother is a house wife.

“I like Khmer literature because it is easy to learn. On the other hand I want to write letters to communicate with people who I know in the society.”

“I want to be a garment factory worker when I grow up in order to earn money for my parents”.