Pich Phorn # 230

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Lvea School Pich Phorn is a fifth grade student who ranked firm among his classmates this year. He has eight siblings. His parents are farmers. He walks to school everyday. In Their Own Words. . .  “I like school because I learn a lot and enjoy seeing my friends.” […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Lvea School

Pich Phorn is a fifth grade student who ranked firm among his classmates this year. He has eight siblings.
His parents are farmers. He walks to school everyday.

In Their Own Words. . . 

“I like school because I learn a lot and enjoy seeing my friends.”

On his favorite subject: “I like all kind of subjects because they are all important for me.”


On his future plan: “ I want to be a teacher so that I can teach village children.”