Orn Sochea # 230

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Lvea School Orn Sochea is a 15-year-old sixth grade student at the Lvea School . She has two brothers and two sisters. She walks to school with her friends everyday. In Their Own Words. . .  “I like to go to school because I like learning and happy to […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Lvea School

Orn Sochea is a 15-year-old sixth grade student at the Lvea School .
She has two brothers and two sisters.
She walks to school with her friends everyday.

In Their Own Words. . . 

“I like to go to school because I like learning and happy to see all my friends.”

On his favorite subject: “I like to study Mathematics and Khmer language. Mathematics is good subject that I can help my parents with calculation when they sell vegetable. With Khmer language I want to read newspaper.”


On his hobbies:  “I like to play jump rope with my friends.”


On when he grow up: “When I grow up I want to be a singer.”