Her name # 264

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Patrick and Jackie Donnelly School Her name is Romas Smort. She is 14 years old. She is in the third grade at The Patrick and Jackie Donnelly School. Smort is the second child in the family. “I am very happy that we have a new school in the village. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Patrick and Jackie Donnelly School

Her name is Romas Smort. She is 14 years old. She is in the third grade at The Patrick and Jackie Donnelly School. Smort is the second child in the family.

“I am very happy that we have a new school in the village. Before I never went to school,” she said. She is ranked second in her class of 38 students. Her best topics are Khmer language, social studies and science. She has good friendships with the other students.

When she grows up she wants to earn money to help her parents. So she must now study hard to achieve this goal. Romas Smort said: “I love my teacher. I believe strongly that this school will provide me the best opportunity for a bright future”.