Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Brem Samnang is 17 year old and in grade 10 at The Boribo high school in Porpel Village, Khonrong Commune, Boribo District, Kompong Chhnang Province.

In her family, there are seven members, two parents, two brothers and three sisters. She is the third child in her family. Her father is Chhom Ret, he is 45 years old, her mother is Seang Mak, and she is 47 years old, they are farmers. Samnang’s family have owns one hectare of farmland for growing rice and they are able to collect 50 bags per year but they are not selling because they are keeping for daily eating in a whole year. Her father can earn 200,000 per month from dig in the ground. Even they get the income from their work but it still not enough to support their family and cover their expenses in a whole year.

In the future she want to become a teacher in her province because she wants to live with her family especially she need to take care her mother and she wants to share her knowledge to children in her village. She is very happy that she got support from her donor, the last she wish them to have a good health and successful in their life.

Updated: July 2018