Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Orn Chantha  is 15 years old and study in grade  8th  at The Milton School, which is located in Tuol Prich village, Mean  Commune, Prey Chhor  District, Kam Pong Cham  province.

There are 7 members in her family, parents, 3 brothers and 2 sisters including her. She is a fourth child in the family. Her 2brothers works near the Thailand bother and her sister has got married and lives with her husband and youngest brother study at grade 4th at the same her school.  Her father name is Mr. Orn Sam An and her mother name is Phei Chan Poev. They have one hectare of farmland for growing the rice. They are producing rice for 2.5 tons in per year and they are selling for 1ton, get 200$ and they are keeping 1.5 tons for daily eating. After finish the growing rice her parent go to work as the construction workers and get 6$ for one person in a day and they try to earn more income for support their family’s living but it still not enough for family’s needs. Sometimes Orn Chantha has absent is class because she helps her mother to look after her siblings and do the housework.

She always tries to studies hard and she gets a good score in class and after school when she has free time she likes to read the books.

In the future, She wants to become a bank employee because the bank can provide the many benefits to the staffs and she can get a standard salary to support her family to live in a good condition.

Date posted: April, 2018