Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

Chip Ratana

Chip Ratana is 10 years old, grade 3 at Vasaskolan School located in Angbaksey village, CheangToung commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province.

Ratana has 3 siblings, one brother, two sisters.  She is the first child in the family. There are 6 members in her family, a grandmother, one brother, two sisters and her parents. Her father’s name: Chate Som Art, 39 years old and her mother’s name: Nak Kunthear, 40 years old, they are farmers who own 20 Acres of farmland that they can get about 10 baskets of rice product a year. Her father has an extra job as a sugar palm producer in order to earn some money for the family. Her family earns around 85$ per month.  She always helps her parents work such as cooking, raising animals, and taking care her small brother and sister.

In the future, she wants to be a tailor. She said that being a tailor could easily make money so that she can help her family to have a better life.

Date posted: May, 2018