Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Sok Sovanneth is a 9 year-old student in 3th  at The Vasakolan School in Angbaksey village CheangToung commune Tram Kak district, Takeo province.

She is the youngest child in the family. She has two brothers.  Her parents are farmer. They have about a half of a hectare of farmland, which can produce 850 kg of rice per year. However, they must give half of their rice harvest to the farmer whom they buy farming materials from for the farming process. After the rice harvest season, her mother sells sugar cane juice near the school, with this job she can earn about $2.00 to $ 2.5 per day.

Date Posted: December 2017