Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Kheng Senglay is 16 years old student in the 9th grade at the Naohiro Nishiya School in Opork Samky village, Mean Reth commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom Province.

Senglay lives in a small house with her grandmother and she has three sisters and two brothers.  Senglay is the eldest child in her family. Her grandmother’s house is about 7 km from school, in which she bike rides to school every day.  Her parents divorced in 2015 and her father have a new wife and never come to see her, Her mother goes to work in Phnom Penh as a factory worker, get 150$ in per month and her mother sent 50$ to her grandmother for support their living. Senglay stopped going to school from 2015 to 2017.  However, in 2017, her grandmother took her to live with send her go to school again. They have their own farmland, roughly 50 meters in width and 75 meters in length. Senglay’s family is growing rice and can produce rice is under one ton of rice in per year, which they are able to sell for $185 and keep some for daily eating. Even the get income for growing rice and her mother send 30$ dollar every month but there are not enough to support her family’s daily expense.

As a result of the family having a very low annual income, Senglay commonly misses school to gain employment in the village, or to help her family in their rice field.

In the future goal, Senglay wants to become a Junior Credit Officer because she wants to work in the bank and get a good salary to support her family to live in a good condition.

Updated: April, 2018