Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Peou Visa is 15 years old and she is in the 10th grade at The Naohiro Nishiya School, which is located in Opork Samky village, Meanrith commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province.

She has three sisters. Visa is the eldest in her family.  Her father’s name is Mr. Sao Tok and her mother’s name is Mrs. Hoeurn Yem.  At first, she lives in a family of modest living conditions, but unfortunately, when she was 11 years old her father was dysphoric, he was died, a grief left her three princesses, orphaned, her mother became a widow, living without father, causing her family to have a hard-situation.

As a result of the family having a very low annual income, Visa commonly misses school to gain employment in the village, or to help her family in their rice field.

She added, when her father a lives, he often supported her studies and encouraged her to study hard, always telling her to work hard to become a doctor.

In the future, Visa wants to become a doctor because she wants to accomplish her father’s goals, anyways she hopes that can help all the people all around the world especially for younger, older or the widow, to support and help her family to live in a better life.

Updated: April, 2018