Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

(November, 2001)

Number of School: 81
Name of School: Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School
Name of Donor: George & Kari Grady Grossman
Location of School
Province: Kampong Speu
District: Oral
Commune: Trapaing Chor
Village: Chrauk Teuk
Status: Complete
Start of construction: April 4, 2001
End of construction: July 7, 2001
Student Body: 177
Distance from Phnom Penh: 123 km
Travel Time: 3:30
Teaching Staff: 6
Classrooms: 5
Average students per class: 36

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Grossman at pose for a photo with the students and teachers of their school during a visit while the new building was under construction.  (March, 2001)

Mrs. Kari Grady Grossman talked to a class during the visit.  (March, 2001)

Students wave to the Grady Grossmans.  (March, 2001)

A mathematics class in the new building.  (November, 2001)


Acomputer class at the Eric Ratanak Grady School. There is no electrictity at the school but the computer is operated by solar panels. In photo: Chheng Kanha, a 5th grade student, is learning how to type while Chek Vanny, a 6th grade student, on the right next to the wall, is looking at her classmates in the computer room.

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Seun Try is the director of the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School. 
Rim Thet is a 15-year-old fourth grade student at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School. 
Ky Kun is a 16-year-old third grade student at the Eric Ratanak Grady Grossman School. 
Mr. Eum Chorn is a 38-year-old farmer living near the school village. 
Seun Try # 81
Rim Thet # 81
Ky Kun # 81
Eum Chorn # 81