Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

(May 2003)

Number of School: 142
Name of School: The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School
Name of Donor: D. Keenan
Location of School
Province: Prey Veng
District: Pearaing
Status: Complete
Start of construction: 10 Dec. 01
End of construction: 08 Apr. 02
Student Body: 522
Teaching Staff: 12
Classrooms:  5
Average student per class: 45-60
Distance from city: 31km
Travel Time: Dry season: 3 hrs. Wet season:  3.5 hrs.

In Their Own Words . . .

Mr. Hok Seam is the director of The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School
Noeu Kanha is a fifth grade student at The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School
Sam Kompheak is a fifth grade student at The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School
Mr. Phon Pring lives in the village where The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School
Hok Seam # 142
Noeu Kanha # 142
Sam Kompheak # 142
Phon Pring # 142