
The students at the Wakako Hironaka School in Robib are being taught how to use  computers and access the Web. The trainers are six orphans who have been learning and working over the past 18 months  on computers at the Future Light Orphanage,  in a village outside the capital of Phnom Penh. Four of the orphans are between the ages of 8 and 11 who rotate for three month periods to attend the Robib and other rural schools to continue studying there while teaching the village children and their teachers the art of operating a computer and in the case of Robib, the wonders of accessing the Web. The youngcomputer instructors receive $20 a month. Two of the “senior” trainers are 16-year-old orphans who will stay at Robib for at least a year. They earn $60 a month and get  a one week holiday to return to Phnom Penh every three months.  We receive frequent  reports but this  is the first monthly report from Sovichet Hem, 16, who sent it  on his own without any guidance nor a request to produce it. Eighteen months ago Sovichet Hem barely knew any English or what a computer is.  His  “leapfrog” is a clear example of the potential of good education on the future development of Cambodia as well as a  reflection of the excellent environment provided to 285 orphans at the Future Light Orphanage, directed by Mrs. Nuon Phaly. Sovichet Hem’s report sent by e-mail from Robib Village on July 16, 2000:

Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 04:56:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robib Village <>
Subject: Re-Monthly report July 16,2000 at 06:40:26+0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-UIDL: de2c55476afbd00d5c083c6feb812dbb

Dear Mr.Bernie,Mr. Doug,Mr. sothero and Mrs. Phaly

Objective of headlines

1. Opening a new chapter for computer teaching
2. Planning to teach  computer
3. Planning to teach English
4. Problem concern
5. Budgeting
6. Observations (Mission, Living)

I. Opening a new chapter for…

We started to open a new class on Monday July
There are 50 students attended regularly. Among of
50 students we divided into 10 groups and these ten
groups we shared into 2 parts. The first part shared
into 5 groups and studied from 7:10 to 11:10 .
The second part also shared into 5 groups and studied
from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Each group took only 40 minutes because it
on the state school’s schedule that they assigned.

The daily schedule


Group I.          Started from 7:10 to 7:50
Group II.         Started from 8:00 to 8:40
Group III.        Started from 8:50 to 9:30
Group IV.         Started from 9:40 to 10:20
Group V.          Started from 10:30to 11:10


Group I.          Started from 1:00 to 1:40
Group II.         Started from 1:50 to 2:30
Group III.        Started from 2:40 to 3:20
Group IV.         Started from 3:30 to 4:10
Group V.          Started from 4:20 to 5:00

Hence each group we could take a rest for 10
minutes and these 2 parts above could change actions
weekly from the morning to the afternoon and from the
afternoon to the morning.

II.Planning to teach computer

· Macintosh Operating System, Microsoft Words and
Clariswork program.
· Internet

About Instruction

On Monday July 03/2000 we taught the theory and
the basic of the computer.
On Tuesday July 04/2000 the students learned how
to turn the computer on and off and they also learned
the kinds of  instruments of computer as the
Monitor, CPU(Central Processing Unit), Keyboard, Mouse
and Cables.
From Wednesday July 05/2000 to Friday July 07/2000
they learned how to use the four mouse-actions as the
Pointing, Clicking, Pressing and Dragging.

Pointing: Showed them how to use the mouse to
control the movement of a  pointer on screen and point
to an object on screen by moving the mouse so that the
pointer is positioned on that object.

Clicking: Showed them how to click an object on
screen by pressing and quickly releasing the button
while the pointer is on that object.

Pressing: Showed them how to press by holding down
the mouse button without moving the mouse.

Dragging: Showed them how to drag an object on
screen by pointing to that object and holding down the
mouse button while they move the mouse.

We also explained them what appeared on screen as
such as Menu bar, Apple menu, Startup disk icon, Trash
icon and Program icons.

On Saturday July 08/2000 we explained them to know
the two different programs between Microsoft Words and

.Microsoft Words ( we use this program for typing
or writing text, as such as write report, organize
document, particularly it is needed for the
.Clariswork ( use for drawing picture ).

We planned to teach them three days of Microsoft
Words and two days of Clariswork.
.They learned the Microsoft Words from Monday to
.They learned the Clariswork  from Friday to
.On Thursday we planned for the old chapter to

From Monday July 10/2000 to Wednesday July 13/2000
we taught them Microsoft Words
On Thursday July 14/2000 we opened the computer class
for the past students to practice.
From Friday July 15 to Saturday July 16/2000 we
taught them the Clariswork program (drawing) and we
showed them how to use the drawing tools.

My confirm: From June 15 to July 01/2000 we still
taught the past students but not on June 24/2000
because Mr.Sothero and two engineer specialists of
Thailand were setting up the Internet link.

Mr. Boreyrath and I do not teach Internet and we
only teach them the computer lessons as such as the
Microsoft word program and the Clariswork program.
Every day Mr. Vansoeurn teaches them the Internet
lesson. First we could not choose the students who do
not understand about the basic of computer hence we
decided to choose the first previous students who
already pass the basic of computer.

III.English teaching

.Purpose of teaching by Essential English book
.Purpose of teaching by making the conversation
direct to the students.

We teach them three days by the Essential English
book one and two days by making the conversation
direct to the students and except on Thursday is their
labor day and Sunday is their holiday too.

Each of us have one hundred and twenty-nine
students. We change schedule of English teaching every
week from the morning to the afternoon and from the
afternoon to the morning because it depend on to the
schedule of the state school course which the school
director arranges. We teach English 4 hours per day.

IV.Problem concern

.Computer machine
.Solar penal
.Satellite disk
.Activity of generator

Computer machine:

Every day we have seven computers.
On Tuesday July 5, 2000 we had one computer that
the students couldn’t practice. It had the model as
Macintosh Color Display
Family Number: M1212
Serial Number: S124512WE09
Power : 100-240V, 50-60 Hz, 1.3A Max
This computer couldn’t use because it lost the
software system and it caused from  the students.


We have two generators but every day we use only
one generator is an old big generator to connect with
six computers and one computer else connect with the
solar penal.
We couldn’t use a small new generator with the
seven computers because the electric current isn’t

Solar penal:

The solar penal could connect with only one
computer and it couldn’t use enough time in this rainy
season because it has so much falling rain and no
enough sunshine and it often overcast sky.

Satellite disk

On Wednesday we joined with the school teachers
and the students to fence around the satellite disk
and took for 4 hours to do it. It is very safely every
day and no one plays football near it.

Activity of generator
Date    :Generator’s:    Time bound    :   Capacity :
:  working  :   A.M :   P. M   :   of liter :

15/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
16/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
17/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
18/06/00:  holiday  : no class : no class :  unpaid  :
19/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
20/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
21/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
22/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
23/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 10 liters:
24/06/00:  9 hours  :7.10-11.10: 1.00-5.00: 12 liters:
25/06/00:  5 hours  :7.10-12.00: no class :  6 liters:

>From 24/06/00 to 25/06/00 was setting up
the Internet link.

26/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
27/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
28/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
29/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
30/06/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
01/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
02/07/00:  holiday  : no class :no class :  unpaid  :
03/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
04/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
05/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
06/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
07/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
08/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
09/07/00:  Holiday  : no class :no class :  unpaid  :
10/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
11/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
12/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
13/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
14/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
15/07/00:  8 hours  :7.10-11.10:1.00-5.00: 11 liters:
Whole total :222  hours                :  296 liters:


From June 15,2000 to 15 July, 2000 we bought the
gasoline for 10 times. At once time we paid 42000
riels for one barrel and 1 barrel = 30 liters and
1liter = 1400 riels. 30 liters x 1400 riels = 42000
riels. So 10 barrels x 42000 riels = 420000 riels.

Transportation of gasoline;

We paid 2000 riels at once time for the moto-taxi
to transport the gasoline. So 10 times x 2000 riels =
20000 riels.

On July 01,2000 I paid 3500 riels to buy one pair
of slipper for a kid called CHANTHY.


On Wednesday June 28, 2000 I bought the medicines
to serve for the kids as below;

.Paracetamol  500mg 4P x 1500 riels =   6000 riels.
n Decolgen  500mg      2P x 5000 riels =  10000 riels.
n Ganidan    500mg     1P x 4000 riels =   4000 riels.
n Theralene  500mg     1P x 6000 riels =   6000 riels.

Total :  26000 riels.

VI.Observations ( Mission, Living)


On Friday June 23,2000 at 5:10 there was a team
and leaded by Mr. SOTHERO NUON. There were 8 people in
this team and two of 8 people were engineer
of Thailand and 6 people else were Cambodian people.
One of 6 people was a newcomer teacher, he was an
Internet instructor and a maintainer of equipment.

On Wednesday July 5,2000 at 6:15 P.M ROVIENG
district was arrived by Mr. NOEU TY , a driver and two
American volunteers.

On Tuesday July 11, 2000 around 5 o’clock P.M or
so there was a trip which leaded by Mr. Doug arrived
in Rovieng district. Whereupon there were also a new
interpreter his name called DY and another one was a
staff in Tbeng Mean Chey who related with the silk and
the last one was Mr. Zhong, he was a driver.


On Sunday June 25,2000 at 2:00 P.M ROVIENG
district was left by the team of Mr. SOTHERO

On Thursday July 6,2000 at 2:10 P.M ROVIENG
district was left by Mr. NOEU TY and a driver.

On Sunday July 16, 2000 around 9:30 A.M Mr.Doug
and his translator, Boreyrath and a driver left
Rovieng district and straight to Phnom Penh.


We are happy. We could get away with serious
diseases but a tiny problem we could not avoid from
normal diseases and we reserve the medicines every day
for diseases.

We felt being very pleased with a terrific time
here, the environment here is very nice and pleasant
but this is the rainy season and there is so rainy
falls almost every day. Sometimes we go to school with
the drizzle.

The residents here are very cordial to us and the
owner of the house whom you rented for us and all
people in this house are very friendly too.

We generally have three mealtimes as such as the
breakfast, the lunch and the dinner. Largely we eat
rice more than porridge for the breakfast and the
porridge occasionally we eat once time. The lunch time
and the dinner time we usually eat rice with the few
kinds of stews or soups. So we eat copious foods and
the foods are very tasty.

Best regards,
Sovichet Hem

__Robib, July 16, 2000 ________________________________________________

Exchange of E-Mail between two Primary Schools’ Students in Rural Cambodia

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition – 4.5 (0410)
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 22:08:06 +0700
Subject: Re: To: Sim Minea!!!
From: “Future Light Orphanage” <>
To: “Hironakaschool –” <>
Mime-version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
Content-type: multipart/mixed;
X-UIDL: c12d7438fbdd4838379b8a7e722eb8fd

Dear Sim Minea,

Thank you very much for your message on Sat 22 Jul 2000. I’m interesting.

My name is Run KONGKEAR, 13 years old. I’m grade 4 of Prey Speu Primary
school boy. I live in Future Light Orphanage (FLO). I walk every day from
FLO to school about 3 kilometers and I study English and computer at FLO.

Right now, I can speak English a litter bit, and I can drawing on Painting
program and typing both Khmer and English on word processing (MS-Word). I
can type 32 words per minute.

I like reading and drawing and I’m very interesting on Internet and email.

I’m very happy to be your friend. This is the first time for me to write
this letter on email by my teacher help.

>From your good friend,

>From: Hironakaschool — <>
>Subject: group#5ciass#6A
>Date: Sat, Jul 2000, 5:04 PM

> Dear all The friends in Future Light Orphanage,
> Hello all The friends in Future Light Orphanage,
> I’m a student  in  grade 6 in Robib School,
> I’m Learning The Computer and English Language every
> day,
> I ‘m very interesting  wiTh These Knowl edges ,
> My Internet teacher’s name is Mr Vansoeurn,
> My English teacher’s name is Mr sovicheTh,
> My name is sim minea
> __________________________________________________
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