Visit “With Love From Hokkaido” Opening Ceremony

 The Cambodia Rural School Project The “With Love from Hokkaido” School Opening Ceremony, February 11, 2001 Mrs. Takada reading her speech in Khmer language (Feb. 11, 2001) Students greet the arrival of Mrs. Takada (Feb. 11, 2001) Mrs. Takada cutting the ribbon of her new school (Feb. 11, 2001) Mrs. Takada planting a new tree in […]

 The Cambodia Rural School Project

The “With Love from Hokkaido” School
Opening Ceremony, February 11, 2001

Mrs. Takada reading her speech in Khmer language (Feb. 11, 2001)

Students greet the arrival of Mrs. Takada (Feb. 11, 2001)

Mrs. Takada cutting the ribbon of her new school (Feb. 11, 2001)

Mrs. Takada planting a new tree in the school grounds, a Cambodian tradition when opening a new building (Feb. 11, 2001)

Mrs. Takada and her computer teacher and computer assistants from the Future Light Orphanage (Feb. 11, 2001)

Students working on their new computer (Feb. 11, 2001)