Report on the Opening Ceremony of the Kozak Ohana School

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kozak Ohana School Report on the Opening Ceremony of the Kozak Ohana School Dear Mr. Krisher and Mr. Thero, On 28 Oct, 2006 I accompanied Kathleen Kozak and her friends to Kampong Thom province for the opening ceremony of her school #285 in the van Kathy practiced a lot […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kozak Ohana School

Report on the Opening Ceremony of the Kozak Ohana School

Dear Mr. Krisher and Mr. Thero,

On 28 Oct, 2006 I accompanied Kathleen Kozak and her friends to Kampong Thom province for the opening ceremony of her school #285 in the van Kathy practiced a lot of her speech in Khmer language with me and listen to the digital recorder which was recorded by her Khmer teacher in Hawaii. We arrived school at 1:30PM warm welcome by chief department of Kampong Svay district education, villagers, students about 700 people. We prepared school supplies, sport equipment and a lot of stuff that she took from Hawaii put it on the stage. At 2:00 H.E Nam Tum, the provincial governor of Kampong Thom and his staff arrived after introduced to know each others Kathy and her friends received Krorma from the students then we walked through the two queue of students and crowd of villagers and authorities toward the platform with H.E Nam Tum. The program has been started same as the others dedicate.

Kathy gave a speech in Khmer about two pages long. Here are what she said. I’m Kathleen Kozak, a doctor living in Hawaii. I’m here for sharing with all of you do you know why I have built the school in Kampong Svay? When I was young my parent told me “study is the major of my life”. My father and mother are teachers they worked hard to support our study as long as we can. I hope that from now on you have to study hard and continue to university. This school donated by my parent to you, please promises me you will study hard and use your knowledge for your bright future. Thank you.

H.E Nam Tum gave a speech, thanks to the donor that built this school and asked the villager to push their children come school, studying is very important for your life, you know many high rank of government staff are from Kampong Thom province so you have to study hard. He gave a thank letter to donor. Kathy put her speech in photo frame, sport equipment and school supplies with H.E Nam Tum gave to teachers and students as a symbol. We went to cut the school red ribbon, visited classroom, computer class while student was typing, contribute the school supplies to each student, Kathy wrote the note on the school golden book, took souvenir photos with H.E Nam Tum. After the provincial governor left the school; Kathy visited around the school such, toilet, water well, land for the garden, etc. There are agricultures around so we do not need to provide the garden we will use this fund for the satellite dish. I will give fund for a water filter please start to implement it, Kathy said. We left school for Siem Reap around 4:30PM and arrived Sofitel hotel at 8:00PM on the way we saw sunset, firework, fire balloon look like red stars. It was very beautiful night they love it very much.

On 29 Oct, 2006 at 8AM I brought them to visit Kumar Angkor hospital (funded by Friend without border which Mr. Long Setha is the admin director). Arun, director of humane resource guided them to see all activities and rooms in the hospital. It took about 1 hour. After gave them to the English speaking guide arranged by NTC tour I said good bye to donors and wishing them a good luck and enjoy Angkor. I returned Phnom Penh on the same day.

On 1 Nov, 06 Kathy and her friends came Phnom Penh by Chann Na speed boat. I picked them up at the ferry station at 1PM and brought them into Inter-con hotel.

On 2 Nov, 06 I brought them to Rasian market they bought many stuff and one Khmer Unicode keyboard at Pasific computer. And on 3 Nov, 06 I brought them to the air port with one box of win bag sent from Mrs. Seda.

I would like to inform you that they gave me many gifts, one external hard drive, snacks, pen. Mary Aggreneva, friend of Kathy said that I will give the other school and come for the opening ceremony my school next year.

Best regards,

Peng Ty
Senior Program Officer