Ratha Oy # 7

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Alex and Lily Talarico School (August, 2001) Mrs. Ratha Oy runs a small food and drink stand just down the road from the Alex and Lily Talarico School.  Her husband is a barber and they have one son studying at the school. In Their Own Words . . . […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Alex and Lily Talarico School

(August, 2001)

Mrs. Ratha Oy runs a small food and drink stand just down the road from the Alex and Lily Talarico School.  Her husband is a barber and they have one son studying at the school.

In Their Own Words . . .

On the new building: “I like the new building because it allows the students to focus on studying and makes the students in lower grades more focused on going to secondary school.  The new building has improved the village because now all the students find it easy to study and they don’t have to cancel class when it rains.”


On her son’s education: “It is important for my son to graduate because he can help not only his family, but the whole nation.”