Yeun Pangha # 11

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kimiko Morisaki School No. One Yeun Pangha, sixth grade student (Mar, 2001) Yeun Pangha is 14 years old and is in sixth grade at The Kimiko Morisaki School Number One.  She is ranked first in her class of 42 students. In Their Own Words. . .  on her family: […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kimiko Morisaki School No. One

Yeun Pangha, sixth grade student (Mar, 2001)

Yeun Pangha is 14 years old and is in sixth grade at The Kimiko Morisaki School Number One.  She is ranked first in her class of 42 students.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on her family: “I have four brothers. My younger brothers are Yeun U Dom,
13, in fourth grade, Yeun Dara, 10, in second grade, and Yeun Kira, 7, in first grade. They study in the same new building as me. My youngest brother, Yeun Kiry, is 3 years old and is not going to school yet. My father, Yen Yeun, is 38 years old and is a farmer. My mother, Iem Kem Hong, is 33 and is a housewife.”


on the new building: “I am happy with the new school because it makes me
try to learn hard.”


on her classes: “I like to come to school because I am afraid that otherwise I will not have any knowledge. I like geography, because I want to know about the stories of all the countries in the world. I don’t like to learn Khmer because I am not interested in it.  I like to review the lessons when I have free time because I am afraid I cannot answer questions in class.” 
on her future plans: “I want to be a doctor in the future because I want
to cure the people.”