Send Mony # 12

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two Mr. Send Mony, the sixth grade teacher  Mr. Seng Mony is the Deputy District Director of Education and the sixth grade teacher at the Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two. In Their Own Words. . .  on the new building “I am very happy with […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two

Mr. Send Mony, the sixth grade teacher

 Mr. Seng Mony is the Deputy District Director of Education and the sixth grade teacher at the Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on the new building “I am very happy with the new building because it is clean and comfortable.  The old building lacked desks, so the children were always moving the desks from one class to another.”


on his past “I have been teaching for 19 years, but I moved to this school 2 years ago because I wanted to come and help this school.”


on teaching I love my job because teaching makes me happy.  Just coming to school in the morning and afternoon makes me happy.  I also like the kids.”


on school subjects “The students like learning geography and mathematics. They want to know the story of Cambodia.  I like to teach Khmer because I want the kids to know about the Khmer language.  Actually, I like to teach all the subjects, because it is very important for kids to know everything.”


on keeping students interested “I always give good advice to the students, and so they like to come to school.  I also try to have special projects for the kids.  For example, our students create art to show our traditions during village ceremonies and festivals.”


on the future of his students and nation “I think my students will have good jobs in the future because they study very hard.  I also think Cambodia will continue to develop if the government will raise the salaries of the teachers, and the teachers teach well.  At the moment, I worry about my salary because I cannot buy many goods in the market.”


message to the donor “I would like to thank the donor very much for providing this nice building for my school.”