Hay Sao # 12

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two Mr. Hay Sao, a villager              Mr. Hay Sao lives in Kon Damrei Village, where The Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two is located. His home is 100 meters from the school site. In Their Own Words. . .  On his family “I am 65 […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two

Mr. Hay Sao, a villager             

Mr. Hay Sao lives in Kon Damrei Village, where The Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two is located.
His home is 100 meters from the school site.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On his family “I am 65 years old.  I have 4 daughters and 4 sons, but 3 sons and one daughter are still living with me.  My youngest son is 12 years old and is studying in 3rd grade in the new building.  My granddaughter is 12 and she is also studying in the new building.  The other children stopped studying to help their family because we had no money for their education.”


On being a farmer “I can get 20 sacks of rice in a year.  Some years, I can get 30 or 40 sacks, but that still cannot support my family (Many poor, rural Cambodians measure their wife in quantities of rice).  My wife sells porridge and fruits in front of the school building.  She can earn US$1.50 or US$2.00 in a day.”


On the future for his children: “I want my son and granddaughter to be doctors in the future because then they can cure the sick people in our village.”


Message to the donor “I would like to thank Mr. Tokunori Morisaki very much.  I am happy with the new school building because it easy for my children to study in because the roof is not broken.”