Keo Vany # 13

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Tokunori Morisaki School No. One     (August, 2001) Mr. Keo Vany is a second grade teacher at the Tokunori Morisaki School No. One.  He is 31 years old and has been teaching at the school for one year. In Their Own Words. . .    On the new […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Tokunori Morisaki

School No. One



(August, 2001)
Mr. Keo Vany is a second grade teacher at the Tokunori Morisaki School No. One.  He is 31 years old and has been teaching at the school for one year.

In Their Own Words. . . 


On the new building: “I like this new building because it is clean and easy to teach in.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher because I wanted to share my knowledge with the future generations.”


On the future of his students: “I think that my students will get good jobs in the future because they study hard every day.  I also think that Cambodia will develop in the future because our situation is better now than before.  However, I am afraid of the AIDS problem in Cambodia because the villagers here are very afraid of it.”[An estimated 200,000 people are HIV positive in Cambodia, according to a recent report in The Cambodia Daily.]