Kov Noun # 30

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kikkoman School Kov Noun, a sixth grade student Mr. Kov Noun is in the sixth grade at The Kikkoman School.  He is 14 years old. In Their Own Words. . .  On school subjects “I like to study mathematics because that will make me a wise person.  I also […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kikkoman School

Kov Noun, a sixth grade student

Mr. Kov Noun is in the sixth grade at The Kikkoman School.  He is 14 years old.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On school subjects “I like to study mathematics because that will make me a wise person.  I also like Khmer because through it I can understand everything, including our culture.”


On his family “I have two brothers and three sisters.  I am the fourth child.  My older siblings are going to secondary school, and my two younger sisters are studying in the fourth and first grades at this school.  My father teaches at this school and my mother is a housewife.”


On the new building “I am very happy with the new building because it is clean.  It is much different from the old building where the roof leaked.  The dripping water made it difficult to study when it was raining.”


On his hobbies “When I have free time, I play soccer, read the newspaper, and help my parents with chores.”


Message to the donor “The new building is a good opportunity for us, and I would like to thank The Kikkoman Corporation for taking care of the students at my school.  I am determined to do my best job studying.”