Ol Ran # 31

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Paul Singh School (September, 2001) Ol Ran is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Paul Singh School.  He was ranked third among the 50 students in his class.  He has two older brothers, both of whom studied at this school and continued on to high school.  His father […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Paul Singh School

(September, 2001)

Ol Ran is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Paul Singh School.  He was ranked third among the 50 students in his class.  He has two older brothers, both of whom studied at this school and continued on to high school.  His father is a garment worker in Phnom Penh and his mother is a farmer.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like to come to school because I love the new building.  I like it because it is easy to study in.  It is much different from how we used to study because we used to sit on the ground and now we have tables and chairs and shade.”


On school subjects:  “I like learning applied science because it is important to me and easy to learn.  I don’t like learning social science because it is very difficult.”


On his hobbies: “When I have free time, I do my chores which are to break up the firewood and to help out in the rice fields.  When I meet my friends, we like to read together because we learn a lot from reading.”


On his future: “I want to continue to secondary school.  My parents do too, but they say that they cannot support me for high school.  I want to be in the army in the future because the army can help the country.”


On his dreams: “If I could go anywhere, I would go to Takeo province because I have many relations there and so I would be happy.  If I could do anything, I would become a football star.”


Message for Mr. Singh:  “I would like to thank Mr. Paul Singh very much for donating this school building for us here.”