Chem Cheun # 32

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Diana and Al Kaff School (September, 2001) Mr. Chem Cheun is deputy director of the Diana and Al Kaff School.  He has been a teacher since 1980. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I am very happy with the new school because now the kids […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Diana and Al Kaff School

(September, 2001)

Mr. Chem Cheun is deputy director of the Diana and Al Kaff School.  He has been a teacher since 1980.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building:

“I am very happy with the new school because now the kids only concern themselves with studying.  The old school building was not nice and I was afraid when I taught during rain.  The students come to school by boat as the roads are only accessible from March to April.  The new school building is very nice and not only do the kids like to come to school, but their parents also want to send their kids here because they are impressed with such a nice school building.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher because at that time there was a shortage of higher educated people.  I want to help develop education in Cambodia.”


On school subjects:  “The kids don’t want to study applied sciences because it includes agriculutre and the kids here already know how to plant crops because their parents are farmers.”


On the community: “The school community is very happy with the new school building because they have never seen any other NGO come to help this village.”


On the future: “When I see villagers walking down the road I always tell them to send their kids to my school.  I think this new school building is a very good thing for the villagers, something which they have never seen before.”


Message for the donor: “I thank the donor very much for providing us with a very nice school building and I wish him good luck and longevity.”