Hay Sarath # 35

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Three October, 2001 Hay Sarath is a 13-year-old fourth grade student at the World Mate School No. Three. He was ranked third among the 28 students in his third grade class. His parents are farmers. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Three

October, 2001

Hay Sarath is a 13-year-old fourth grade student at the World Mate School No. Three. He was ranked third among the 28 students in his third grade class. His parents are farmers.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “ I like going to school because it is new and was built beside my house. It is much newer and nicer than the old one. It is a large building and easy for me to study in. The old building was too dark and old.”


On school subjects: “ My favorite lessons are mathematics and Khmer. I like both these subjects because they are easy and I get good scores.”


On his hobbies: “ I like to play football with my friends. I also carry water for our family and find fertilizer for our rice fields.”


On his future:  “ I will graduate from primary school, but then I will not continue to secondary of high school because I want to be a monk. My parents also want me to be one, because they are poor. My older brother is studying in seventh grade at secondary school.”


If I could go anywhere…..: “ I would go to Phnom Penh because my aunt and uncle live there.”


When I grow up, I want to..: “ Be a monk, because I want  to study Buddhism. Or else, I want  to be a construction worker to support my parents.”