Moth Channa # 36

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Rattanak Sophorn Nippon Foundation School (August, 2001) Mr. Moth Channa is the deputy school director and teacher at The Rattanak Sophorn Nippon Foundation School.  He has been a teacher since 1997 and deputy director for three years. In Their Own Words. . On the new building:  “I like this […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rattanak Sophorn Nippon

Foundation School

(August, 2001)

Mr. Moth Channa is the deputy school director and teacher at The Rattanak Sophorn Nippon Foundation School.  He has been a teacher since 1997 and deputy director for three years.

In Their Own Words. .

On the new building:  “I like this new school building because I have never had a new building like this in which to teach.  The old building was only three rooms and wooden.  We had classes three times a day so that we could teach all of the students.  The new building has six rooms and so we teach only two classes a day, which is the standard.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher in 1997 because there was a real lack of teachers.  I volunteered for 18 months without pay, and became a salaried teacher after that.”


On school subjects: “I like teaching mathematics because it was my favorite subject as a student.  I want to share that with the students.”


On the community: “The school community is always taking care of this building.  We also are planning a playground to keep the kids coming to school.”


Message for donor: “On behalf of the villagers here, I would like to thank The Nippon Foundation and the Social Fund very much for providing this new school building.”