Hour Hamm # 38

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School  Mr. Hour Hamm, Deputy Director of The Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School (August, 2001) Mr. Hour Hamm, 23 years old, is the Deputy Director of The Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School. He has been a teacher for one year and became Deputy School Director […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Bor Tangsuor Nippon

Foundation School 

Mr. Hour Hamm, Deputy Director of The Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School (August, 2001)

Mr. Hour Hamm, 23 years old, is the Deputy Director of The Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School. He has been a teacher for one year and became Deputy School Director just three months before.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I am very happy with the new school building.  The old building that I used to teach in had bamboo walls and a thatched roof. It was not easy to teach there, and students didn’t like to go to school there.  In this building it is much easier to teach, and now the kids like to come to school and I am happy teaching as well.”


On school subjects: “I like teaching mathematics because I think that even if students don’t catch much, they can still use this subject to make their own small business.  I don’t like teaching applied science because some steps of the lesson the kids already know. I have always thought that the important subjects are Khmer and mathematics.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher because it is what I have wanted to do ever since I was a student.  So, I applied for this job in 1998.  The best thing about it is that I am working in a rural area.  I volunteered to teach here because they lack education.  There are no big problems, but sometimes I worry that our leaders [in government] are not taking care of us teachers in the rural areas.”


On improving the school: “We try to teach our kids not to quarrel, and the school community is planning to construct some sports facilities on the school grounds.”


Message for the Donor: “I would like to thank The Nippon Foundation for providing this new building to the villagers, students and teachers here.”