Cheun Math # 40

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Phnom Koy Nippon Foundation School (August, 2001) Mrs. Cheun Math, 32 years old, is a farmer who lives near the school.  She has three children studying at the school. In Their Own Words. On the new building: “I am happy to have this new school building here because it […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Phnom Koy Nippon

Foundation School

(August, 2001)

Mrs. Cheun Math, 32 years old, is a farmer who lives near the school.  She has three children studying at the school.

In Their Own Words.

On the new building: “I am happy to have this new school building here because it is near my house and my children can come here easily.  I think this new school building has improved the village because more children can come and get knowledge.


Message for donor:  “I would like to thank The Nippon Foundation very much.”