Chea Chantou # 45

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kon Phnom Nippon Foundation School  (August, 2001) Chea Chantou is a 15-year-old fourth grade student at The Sala Krao Nippon Foundation School.  She was ranked first among the 45 students in her class.  Her parents are farmers and she has a brother in first grade and a sister in […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kon Phnom Nippon Foundation


(August, 2001)

Chea Chantou is a 15-year-old fourth grade student at The Sala Krao Nippon Foundation School.  She was ranked first among the 45 students in her class.  Her parents are farmers and she has a brother in first grade and a sister in third grade at the same school.  She lives 1 km away from the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I like the new building because it gives me knowledge.  The old school building had no walls, so I like this one better.”


On school subjects: “I like mathematics because I am good at that subject.  I don’t like applied science because I do not understand it.”


On her hobbies: “I like going to the fields with my mother in my free time.  When I meet my friends, we read and study.”


On her future:  “I want to be a teacher so that I can teach the future students.”


Message for the Nippon Foundation: “I thank the Nippon Foundation for this school building.”