Siv Sokia # 46

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sharing Foundation School Mr. Siv Sokia is the deputy director of the Sharing Foundation School. On himself: I am forty-four years old. I have five children. Two of them are studying at the Sharing Foundation School; they’re in first and fourth grade. I’ve been a teacher since 1979, and […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sharing Foundation School

Mr. Siv Sokia is the deputy director of the Sharing Foundation School.

On himself: I am forty-four years old. I have five children. Two of them are studying at the Sharing Foundation School; they’re in first and fourth grade. I’ve been a teacher since 1979, and deputy director since 2000. I’ve been at this school for two years.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new school. Before we got the new building, we had another school building, but it was very small. The students were unable to learn enough. There wasn’t enough room for all the students. Now we’re running out of space as well. When students go on to fifth grade, I send them to another school. I will get the villagers to build another building. We all want our children to be able to study closer to home. That building will be made of wood.


On the World Food Program The school receives support (rice) from the World Food Program every month. When we get the rice, we boil it for the students to eat. We only provide meals in the morning, not lunch (every day, except Thursday and Sunday). We’ve received the support from the World Food Program since 2001.