Noev Samat # 49

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation School Noev Samat is the Director of The Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation School. On the school: “The school has 836 students who are taught by 15 female and 12 male teachers.  The school teaches from 1st to 6th grades […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Guido A. & Elizabeth

H. Binda Foundation School

Noev Samat is the Director of The Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation School.

On the school: “The school has 836 students who are taught by 15 female and 12 male teachers.  The school teaches from 1st to 6th grades in the morning and afternoon.” [In Cambodia it is common for primary school to be only half-days.  Since the teachers work full time, they can teach twice as many students and alleviate classroom overcrowding.]