Keo Mon # 50

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Takao Onoda School Mr. Keo Mon is the director of the Takao Onoda School. On himself:   I am fifty-six years old. I am married with seven children. Two of them are attending this school. My wife is a farmer, and our house is located 300 meters away from […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Takao Onoda School

Mr. Keo Mon is the director of the Takao Onoda School.

On himself:


I am fifty-six years old. I am married with seven children. Two of them are attending this school. My wife is a farmer, and our house is located 300 meters away from school.


On the new building: Before the new building was constructed, we had great difficulties teaching the children. In the old building, the students weren’t able to learn well. There were constant interruptions, mostly from the rain. Now I am happy and the villagers around here are happy as well, because our children can come and learn at this new school and study comfortably.


On the Onada House: This building was also donated by Mr. Onoda, in 2002. Before the building was built, we had no place for the administration. Now we not only have a building for administration, but an extra classroom for teaching computer and English. Before we were lacking an additional room, and had to teach some of the students at the old building. With the Onoda House, that problem was solved.


On the computer & English program I am very happy about the computer and English program. Our students can learn English and computer every day. Now the students already know a little English and computer. I think computer and English skills are important today. For my generation it was not so, but today we are educating a new generation. Computer and English skills are needed by that generation. Before, I heard that it was only schools in Phnom Penh had computers and English classes. Now it has spread to the countryside.