Hu Ida

Hu Ida is 9 years- old, grade 2 at Vasaskolan School located in Angbaksey village Cheang Toung commune, Tram Kak district Takeo province.
She has 3 siblings with two brothers. She is the second child in family. She has 5 members in her family, her eldest brother was sent to live with another in exchange for some money. Her mother’s name: Tol Chanthol 33 years old, a garment worker and her father’s name: Yam Hom, 34 years old, a farmer and construction worker. They own 26 Acres of land for growing rice and they can gather 10 baskets of rice product per season. They earn around 200$ per month but they have to pay debt to the bank. She helps her parents’ works such as cooking, washing dishes and taking care younger sibling.
She wants to become a nurse when she grows up. She thinks that a nurse has a good money that she can support her family. She said she would study hard to be a nurse.
Date posted: May, 2018