To Be Selected
Nek Tola is 8 years old and she is minority tribe. She studies in grade 3rd at The Mr. and Mrs. Sak Nhep School and she lives in Chorng Ra Village Batang Commune, Lumphat District Ratanakiri Province.
There are 5 members in the family, parents, two brothers and her. Nek Tola is the first child in the family. Their parents are very poor famers and they have the own farmland for an about 1.5 hectares where they could plant some cashew trees and a part of the cassava at the early year.
She said that every year her parents gathered about 10 to 15 tons of cassava and a little bit of cashew products due to those cashew trees just plants. After gathering the cassava, they almost use all the earning to pay for the loan of the Microfinance, other private loans and the rest will use for the daily need of the family.
After school, she always goes to farm to help her mother for extra works to earn more income.
In the future, She wants to be a teacher in her community. She wants to teach all the kids in her village. In addition, she wants to build girls confidence by teaching them to be strong and Ambitious.
Date posted: April, 2018