To Be Selected
Seang Sreyloth is 14 years old. She was born on 10 June 2005 in Tropengkroper Village,Mung reav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Kampong Cham Province. She is in grade 8th at The Green Family School II #419, which is located in in Cherng Khal Village, Mungreav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province.
Sreyloth has two siblings (all sisters), and she is a Second child in the family. Her father‘s name is Mr. Seang, 53 years old and her mother’s name is Mrs. San Phalla, 48 years old. Both of them are woodcutter workers. Her family don’t have owns farm land. So they always go to cut the wood to sale. Beside woodcutter they work in general jobs. Her parents work very hard. Sometimes Sreyloth miss class because she needs to work as a part-time job. Sreyloth’s parents won’t be able to have money to support her study. His father work as carrying woods or cutting wood. They can earn $3-$5 per day. This means that even with this additional income, her parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children. Sometimes she miss class to take care her siblings or work in the rice field and other housework.
Sreyloth’s goals want to be the English and Khmer teacher. She think that these subject are very easy to study and teaching to the others students and she want to help the students in order to increase her area to be rich in developing in her location don’t poorer as her family.
Date Posted: November 2018