Ah Sreypich

Ah Sreypich is a 10 years old student in 4th grade at The Ascham School which is located in Putang village, Romnear commune, Senmonorom district, and Mondulkiri province.
She is the third child of a farmer family. Her parents owned one hectare of farmland where they can grow rice and feed three pigs.
Her parents have gathered 500 kilograms of rice per year and some cashew but the earning from selling rice and cashew could not afford the whole family during a year they have to sell some rice and cashew to pay back to the fertilizers vendor.
Moreover, her parents got a low price of selling rice so it was not enough income to afford the needs of the family such as food, clothes, uniforms and school supplies, etc… Sreypich hopes that if she could be supported $10 a month, it can reduce many expenses in the family and help her to support her school material and she can concentrate on her study harder.
In the future, Sreypich wants to be a nurse at the provincial hospital for a salary to support her family, and provide a better life for them. Additionally, she wants to teach the kids in her village and show them how to leave in a healthy life.
Date Posted: November 1st, 2020