To Be Selected
Art Kimlang is 16 years old, she is in 7th grade at CREDO School. Now she lives in Chentay village, Metoek Commune, Bakan district Pursat province.
Kimlang has three siblings, a brother and two sisters. She is the second child in the family. She lives with her grandmother and siblings. Her parents have left the children to work in Thailand. They sent her $30 per month, but sometime they sent $50 to support the daily food and their children studies. Those support budget are not enough even the daily food (3 meals a day) they do not have any money to save for supporting their school material from time to time. Sometime, she can have 2,000 riels as her pocket money to school, but mostly not. Before going school, she has to cook and clean the house, washing clothes and do homework. Her grandmother is very old, 70 years old in this year, she cannot help her to do those housework. She is always sick. Kimleang goes to school with her bicycle but sometime she goes with her classmates, in case, her siblings need to use this bicycle to somewhere else. She likes reading books and does homework.
In the future, she wants to be a nurse, because it is her interesting job and she likes. She wants to help her family and people in her village. And she wants to earn money by herself. Her family is so poor she hopes she can help her family to leave in a better life.
Date posted: June 2018