To Be Selected
Beoury Ranet is 13 years old, She is studying at grade 7 A of Hikari school at Songkea village, Snoul commune, Kralanh district, in Siem Reap province.
Beoury Ranet is the third child of her family and she has 2 sisters and 1 brother. Her father’s name is Bean Beoury. He is 36 years old and her mother’s name is Teourn Mour. She is 37 years old. And they are farmers. Ranet lives with her grandma in Taseng Village because her parents work at Thailand for support their family. Everyday she go to school by ride a bicycle about 7km from school. Her family is poor and owned one hectare of farmland for growing rice. The rice can produce 500 to 1000Kg of rice in per year. After the rice’s yield collection she raising chicken and fishing for their daily consumption. She is supported by her parents, That work at Thailand. As for Beoury Ranet, she studies very hard and she is a good student in the class. After school, she cooks food for her and grandma and do housework. In her free time, she likes to read the books and review the lessons from school.
For Beoury Ranet’s future goal: She wants to be a English teacher to earn money to support her family. And she wants to help all the kid in her village.
Date posted: January, 2019