To Be Selected
Seak Rosa is 15 years old and a student in 9th grade at The Lotus School which is located in Tbong Damrei village, Kampong Chamlong commune, Khsach Kandal district, and Kandal province.
Rosa is an orphan child because her parents are divorced and abandoned her to live with her grandmother alone. Right now, their parents have different family and never come to visit her. She lives with an old grandmother who haven’t got any farmland. She could go to school because her generous aunt usually supports her with some money to buy study’s equipment.
Every year, her grandma buys the rice from other people to make the food for the family for a whole year because she does not own farm to produce rice like other people in the village.
A very old grandmother is unable to support and look after her for long time so in the upcoming time Rosa can pursue her study or she will drop school. Whereas Rosa, she promises that if she will be supported for $10 every month she will try to study hard and she will use that money to patch up for her study.
In the future, she wants to become a doctor because she wants to help all the sick people in her local community and she thinks that in her location is far from governmental hospital. Moreover, she wants to earn the money to support her family.
Supported from December 2021