To Be Selected
Boel Sreynal is 14 years old. She lives in Pnov Village, Khum Thmey Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province.
She is in grade 10th. She has three sisters including her. Her father, Run Boel, 36, and her mother, Siet Sena, 35 are all farmers. They have only 2 hectares of land farm. Normally, her
family earns around 1000 to 4000 Riels per day (300 Dollars in a year) . They try hard to the farm. Moreover, her parents grow vegetable and feed chicken to support the family. She rides to school every day about 6 kilometers but sometime her friends take her to school because of bike problem. Nowadays, she doesn’t have money to but school materials like books, pens…etc.
In the future, she wants to be a police because she wants the society peaceful and catch all the gangsters, people who are destroying forest and other drug smokers and businesses.
Date posted: November 2018