Boeurn Sreynoch

Beourn Sreynoch is 11 years old. She is studying in grade 5th at The Kirivorn School#90, in Kirivorn village, Steng Chhay commune, Kampong Sela district, Preah Sihanouk province.
Sreynoch lives with four members in her family, parents, one brother, and her. Srey Noch is the youngest daughter in a family.
Sreynoch’s father is famer and her mother is a housewife. Srey Noch’s parents have own farmland for one hectare for growing rice. Every year he can produce rice around 750kgs in per year and they are selling for 250kg, get 50$ for cover on the daily expense but it is not enough to support her whole family in a year.
Beourn Srey Noch is a good student in class. She always walks to school with her friends in her village. Srey Noch really loves her schooling.
When she grows up Beourn Srey Noch wants to be teacher because she loves this occupation. She wants to teach and sharing her knowledge to children in her commune.
Updated: April, 2018