Bros Mengly

Bros Mengly is 11 years old. She is studying in grade 5th at The Kirivorn school#90, in Kirivorn village, Steng Chhay commune, Kampong Sela district, Preah Sihanouk province.
There are five members in her family, parents, one son, and two daughters including her. Mengly is a second daughter in her family. Her father is a bicycles repairman in the village, her mother is a housewife. Mengly’s father can earn about $110 a month but this income is not regular, it depend on the month. This money that father earns from his occupation cannot support his family.
Mengly is a good girl and always get a good number in class. She is an obedient daughter of her family. She really loves her schooling so much.
When she grows up, she wants to be a businesswoman because she wants to run her own business and she wishes to be a millionaire to build a big house for her family to live in a better life.
Updated: April, 2018