To Be Selected
Bun Sakana is 13 years old. She was born on 7 May 2006, and she lives in Pon Village, Mungreav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province. She is in grade 8th at The Green Family School II #419, which is located in in Cherng Khal Village, Mung reav Commune, Tbong Khmum District, and Kampong Cham Province.
Sakana has three siblings (two sisters, one brother) and she is a First child in the family. Her father‘s name is Mr. Bun Thun, he has 36 years old, and her mother’s name is Mrs. hen lakana, she has 33 years old, both of them are slaved in Thailand. Sakana’s parents don’t have owns land; they are only to be slaved in Thailand. Sakana live with Grandmother when she was a childhood since has 02-03, And Sakana’s parents to go slaved in Thailand for too a long years. As this is not enough to support the family’s needs, Grandmother that Sakana’s parents commonly has to go on trips to be a slaved in Thailand for too a long years. He has to carry the sack of cement. The mostly, they give or pay for Sakana’s study total is 30,0000 riles or 40,0000 riles in per month. This means, that even with this additional income, the parents do not have enough money to support the family and their children’s everyday needs. As a result, Sakana commonly she doesn’t have enough to pay for her studying in part-time.
Sakana’s goals want to be a good English Teacher. She wants to cure all the people in her location; she thinks that in her location is nearby her home.
Date Posted: November 2018